What's a Brick Worth?

We get lots of inquiries as to what bricks are worth. The value of a brick is relative. A collector may be looking for a particular brick or someone may want a brick that has their name on it, just for fun. But most collectors prefer just to trade, not buy. Join IBCA and go to their Brick Swaps or try putting your finds on EBay or Craigs List - you never know. (Click on "Comments" for more information.)

Here are some inquiries we've received regarding how much bricks are worth:

    2. laying 2 pavers with the logo coffeeville V. B. & T. co. any idea of their worth?
    3. August 27,2010
      I have access to thousands of bricks being torn up from the streets of a city in Northeast Washington State. They would be cleaned and no chips or cracks. Dated around the turn of the century. Any idea what they might be worth, or if it's even worth messing with?????????????
      Thank You.

    1. I have a large amount of red brick with Harris Paver stamp on them. Are they worth anything?
    1. From my basic understanding. The brick market is mostly entertained by collectors willing to share or exchange bricks.

      The value of the bricks is more personal to the discoverer. This might be a good time to save some of those bricks and start your own collection by joining this and many other communities.

      If you do not have a collector's website to go to.

      Sure, people may want to buy your bricks but you will need to leave it open to the market. Perhaps E-bay will give you an idea of the value when you place it there and see how the bids go.

      Another place is Craig's List

      Before removing a building or road, you might contact a historic preservation society that may want to document or rebuild the structure. This might bring value to you as you can enjoy the structure or knowledge of the complete value of the structure in a historic sense rather than at a brick at a time.

      I am starting my brick collection and copying historic information of the manufacturer and owners. The brick in a box along with it's historic value makes a good conversation piece and brings more meaning to our culture.

      The brick value $1 the historic value "priceless".

      Enjoy your discovery


    1. Anonymous said...
      From my basic understanding. The brick market is mostly entertained by collectors willing to share or exchange bricks.

      The value of the bricks is more personal to the discoverer. This might be a good time to save some of those bricks and start your own collection by joining this and many other communities. If you do not have a collector's website to go to.

      Sure, people may want to buy your bricks but you will need to leave it open to the market. Perhaps E-bay will give you an idea of the value when you place it there and see how the bids go.

      Another place is Craig's List

      Before removing a building or road, you might contact a historic preservation society that may want to document or rebuild the structure. This might bring value to you as you can enjoy the structure or knowledge of the complete value of the structure in a historic sense rather than at a brick at a time.

      I am starting my brick collection and copying historic information of the manufacturer and owners. The brick in a box along with its historic value makes a good conversation piece and brings more meaning to our culture.

      The brick value $1, the historic value "priceless".

      Enjoy your discovery

      Webmaster Note:
      --Thank you anon for this excellent post.

    2. Anonymous said...
      We have recently purchased a home built in 1958 and have found several dozen bricks around the property. They are marked "TERRY" and "P&M". Is it possible they could have any value? Thank you.

    3. I found these bricks with pueblo s-1 s.f.b.c.o on them. Can anyone tell me about them and if they are worth anything

    4. I have thousands of stamped Van Dyke Bricks. Complete with stamps. Any information? All I know is factory was edge of our property and closed near 1950

    5. Hi, just wondering year and origin 108-120 Laclede Suprezist brick plus round stamp resembles clock saying 5:00 on it thank you

    6. Hi I currently (11/20/17) have 260
      S&F BCo bricks that I am looking to sell to someone who can use them. E-mail me at Stuls7779@gmail.com (subject BRICKS) if interested. Located 08092

    7. I currently have 260 S&F BCo bricks I am trying to sell. Location 08092
      E-mail me at stuls7779@gmail.com (subject BRICKS)

    8. I have 5,000 Coffee ville bricks, could anyone please direct me to a place or persons who may be interested in purchasing them? Call 580-230-6330 or 580-775-2320
      Thank you for your time.
