Despatch Brick works, MURRAY

Hi from South Africa

I am writing about the Despatch Patent from 1880 but it seems as if the machines that the people used came from England .BUT the to test the equipment the stamped out Murray's Bricks .Murray's brick is not from England but from USA .Is there some way I can find out where the equipment really came from .Despatch Patent was in South Africa Close to Port Elizabeth.
If you know of any other info regarding Despatch Brick works of 01880 please let me know.


  1. (From Fred R.)

    Hello Gerald,

    I don't know of how much help we can be. We are familiar with (some anyway) MURRAY brick. There was a manufacturer in New York State (USA) making MURRAY marked brick. He moved to the state of Connecticut where he made also made MURRAY and RMBCo marked brick. In the area where I live there were several independent manufacturers of brick molds. Murray seems to be a relatively common name and it may be that there may even have been English mold
    manufacturers that could have made molds for machines subsequently exported out of the country.

    Perhaps if we could see a photo of the MURRAY brick in question it may be helpful. If you find a patent number on the machine, it may give you a lead to who held the patent and perhaps manufactured the machine in the first place. Mold makers probably made molds for any of a number of brick machine models.

    Perhaps someone out there has more insight.

    --Fred Rieck

  2. The current owner of the land where the Despatch patent bricks were made told me that they bought a secondhand Murray machine from England. In a recently demolished building on the land, Murray patent bricks were found. The ouner gave me two of these Murray patent bricks
