Danny said...
I found some extra large cream or goldish colored stone or bricks- wider at one end than the other. Some are stamped C TRYONE GO (or CO) 1839. Can you shed any light?


I have found what I believe to be fire bricks. They are a little larger than landscape bricks & much heavier. They are cream to beige colored and are tapered (wider at one end). They have C TYRONE G O 1839 stamped on most. TYRONE A on a couple, and HW SPEC 1839 on a few others. Any info would be great! Thanks!!

1 comment:

  1. Dan,
    It isn't much but C. TYRONE is a name that Harbison Walker put on a "line " of firebrick suitable for use in the "feed end" of rotary cement kilns. The temperatures at this point are relatively low and their use here would free - up use of higher rated fire brick for use in the more extreme environment "deeper" in the kiln.

    I would suspect the Tyrone brick are a lower cost substitute for the more expensive "Aluminous" brick, recommended for use further into the kiln.

    Harbison Walker claimed, at one time, to have 20 plants. It may be reasonable to expect that H-W had some means of determining which plants produced what brick.
    ref. Harbison-Walker handbook, undated.
