
Anonymous said...
Great web page and blog! Very interesting reading.

I am looking to procure a Doherty Brick.
I am a decendent of Pat Doherty from Eavesport, who ran a brick making factory out that way.

Any info would be so much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Hello decendent,

    You may try to visit the site of the old brick yard. It's some kind of park that has not been developed, on the Hudson River in Evesport. I forget the name of the road (Emmerick ?)leading there. The yard is featured in the book "Hudson Valley Ruins" by Rob Yasinsac and Tom Rinaldi. The book is listed in the "Book Store" on this website. At low tide you can still see the hulks of a couple ships Pat had shipped in to use with his business. Interesting history on these, too. Look around carefully, and you may find some brick.

    If you have any history on Pat Doherty, we would love to hear from you. Happy hunting,

    Fred R.
